When your brain feels like a house party.

Sorry I haven’t been posting lately. I’ve been dealing with trials of being an unemployed writer. With disappointments and drama as the whip cream and cherry on top, it’s been a dismal couple days.

But something kinda hit me last night. I laid awake in bed, pondering the universe (Another thing that comes with being an unemployed writer, I suppose). I wasn’t thinking about the story I plan to write during NaNoWriMo, which is detective fiction, I was thinking about how wonderful a fantasy story sounded. It could just be my indecisiveness, I am notorious for not making up my mind. It’s that feeling of uncertainty, what story am I meant to pursue?

Sometimes my brain feels like a house party.

Stay with me, I know it’s a weird metaphor. Like seriously, picture like an ordinary get together, with light music playing and snacks on the table (like chips and homemade salsa… Ooh, that sounds good right now.)

I’m the host and the guests are all these characters from different possible stories, from different genres entirely. In attendance, there is a 1920’s detective, a princess from fantasy land and a young super powered vigilante, to name a few. And I have no idea who I want to have a conversation with at this party first, they all look interesting to me. I’m not insane, I promise.

What I mean is, I don’t know what I want to focus on when it comes to writing. Guess I always felt like I had to pick one genre to write in if I ever became a “successful writer”. Like I had to be married to one for the rest of my writing career.

It was a feeling I got right after I graduated. With no essays or projects to worry about, I was finally able to focus on my own project. Endless possibilities, right? Honestly, I thought going to college to study English would help me discover and hone in on what I truly loved to write about. The opposite happened.  If anything, it expanded my horizon, in a literary sense.

Can I help it? There have always been multiple genres I’ve been interested in. Real classic mysteries intrigue me and fantasies make my heart flutter and myths are like magic and sci-fi can be cool and those real life dramas are just plain honest. (This sentence = My friggin’ entire life)

I want to know what you guys think about this. Am I crazy?  You guys ever feel like that? Like you have so many ideas that are pulling you in completely different directions? Or are you happy with writing one genre forever? Maybe, as writers, we are allowed to dabble in every kind of story (like at an international buffet, and your plate is confused because you got like tacos and dumplings next to each other).

Maybe I’m an indecisive dabbler.

Indecisive dabbler and unemployed writer, what a combo.

Write about what you love, guys, even if it’s everything.

Write with Heart,

Lady Jabberwocky

3 thoughts on “When your brain feels like a house party.

  1. As another unemployed writer, I relate to this post in more ways than one. 😅 I often feel pulled between my wildly different story ideas. I decided to just make it a bucket list goal of mine to write a novel in every genre I can manage! As for deciding between projects… maybe try a few writing exercises using the settings/characters from your different ideas and see which one comes easiest right now? Whenever I’m torn, I try to scribble as much as I can about each idea and eventually one comes forward as the one that needs to be written first.

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  2. I can very much relate to having my mind feel like a “house party”. All those characters vying for attention. Some sitting in the corner whispering their amazing story. Others right in your face touting their need to shout to the world what’s on their mind. Still others surrounding the snack table and talking babble that hasn’t to do with much of anything. It’s enough to drive a writer crazy. But then out of the melee comes a sincere character that starts a conversation with you. You begin to coax out their story and you realize this is the One. Feels nice. Good luck with sorting out all the endeavors you are considering

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