The Inspiration Behind Naming my Blog

Hello Writer Bees!

Are you a little curious where the name Lady Jabberwocky came from?

Obviously, part of it was a nod to Lewis Carol’s whimsical poem The Jabberwocky. When I started this blog, my aim was to keep things our conversations fun and lighthearted, like that famous poem. However, in the Valentine’s Day spirit, I’m sharing the other source of inspiration. And it has to do with my partner, Michael, who I sometimes refer to as Mister Jabberwocky.

Eons ago, I was a college freshman and just started dating Michael. One day, I was furiously typing a short story in the library. Thoroughly feeling those creative juices, I think I wrote 1,000 words in an hour. He laughed at me and said something like “Wow! You’re going beast mode on that story!” The phrase ‘Beast mode’ did not sound right to me, it was better suited for another activity, like gaming or sports.

I replied. “Well, it would be more like a literary beast, wouldn’t it? Like a Jabberwock?” It was the first monster from literature that came to mind. I feel like every writer has that in the zone moment. Jabberwock mode was what I called mine. I still do, If I’m honest. From then on, it became an inside joke between the two of us. Whenever I wrote for a class or for myself, I wrote like a Jabberwock, or was in Jabberwock mode. Was I pathetically hyping myself up? Probably. Well, I guess when you’re in that writing mood, hyping yourself is allowed.

After I graduated college and earned my bachelor’s degree in English, I was on the fence about starting a blog. Would anyone care what I had to say? My boyfriend – my biggest supporter – encouraged me to go for it. But what would I even write about? What would I even call the site? I wanted a name that hinted to my love of writing and literature. Hinted to that feeling of inspiration and creativity. That was it. Lady Jabberwocky was born, inspired by my young Jabberwock days.

And now, look where I am, four years later and still blogging. Still writing like a nonsensical Jabberwock. I love that part of my blog name comes from the early days of both our relationship and my writing journey.

Thanks for reading, writer bees. Happy belated Valentine’s Day!

What inspired your blog name? Share your stories in the comments.

Stay safe and stay creative.

Write with heart,

Lady Jabberwocky

16 thoughts on “The Inspiration Behind Naming my Blog

  1. Wonderful story! Lady Jabberwocky is a fun name for a blog.
    I named my blog “6th Day” because it came out every Friday (the 6th day of the week), and because the kingdom in the first fantasy novel that John and I wrote had only 6 days in a week. Now that my blog has gone to monthly instead of weekly, I’m not sure the name still fits, but I’ll keep it for now.

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